Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Alexander Niven: The Biography of an Early Haliburton County Surveyor, by Kim Emmerson

Alexander Niven: The Biography of an Early Haliburton County Surveyor, by Kim Emmerson

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Alexander Niven: The Biography of an Early Haliburton County Surveyor, by Kim Emmerson

Alexander Niven: The Biography of an Early Haliburton County Surveyor, by Kim Emmerson

Alexander Niven: The Biography of an Early Haliburton County Surveyor, by Kim Emmerson

Free Ebook PDF Alexander Niven: The Biography of an Early Haliburton County Surveyor, by Kim Emmerson

Set in the late 1800s, this well-researched biography takes us into the heart of newly settled Upper Canada, and the rich beginnings of Haliburton County, Ontario. We get a thoughtful and thorough look at the history of the area as we meet Alexander Niven; surveyor, politician, farmer, adventurer, educator, and influential businessman in a blossoming locale. We meet Niven's contemporaries, who alongside this versatile surveyor, formed and shaped this "back woods" settlement into the beautiful area we are familiar with today. This very informative and entertaining biography will immerse you in the exciting and sometimes trying times of the period, and paint a picture of early settlement in Haliburton County.

Alexander Niven: The Biography of an Early Haliburton County Surveyor, by Kim Emmerson

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #3565771 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-22
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.02" h x 1.19" w x 5.98" l, 1.83 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 464 pages
Alexander Niven: The Biography of an Early Haliburton County Surveyor, by Kim Emmerson

Alexander Niven: The Biography of an Early Haliburton County Surveyor, by Kim Emmerson

Where to Download Alexander Niven: The Biography of an Early Haliburton County Surveyor, by Kim Emmerson

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great guide for Haliburton ,Ontario people. By Linda Lou This is a wonderful and through account of Haliburton County, ontario. I felt I knew the places Mr. Emmerson narrated as I have spent some thiry years visiting this area. Was so nice to know of its history.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Good historical read By Janice Harris well written and researched

See all 2 customer reviews... Alexander Niven: The Biography of an Early Haliburton County Surveyor, by Kim Emmerson

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Alexander Niven: The Biography of an Early Haliburton County Surveyor, by Kim Emmerson

Alexander Niven: The Biography of an Early Haliburton County Surveyor, by Kim Emmerson

Alexander Niven: The Biography of an Early Haliburton County Surveyor, by Kim Emmerson
Alexander Niven: The Biography of an Early Haliburton County Surveyor, by Kim Emmerson

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