Jumat, 01 Januari 2016

Crossing Over, by Daryl Joyce

Crossing Over, by Daryl Joyce

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Crossing Over, by Daryl Joyce

Crossing Over, by Daryl Joyce

Crossing Over, by Daryl Joyce

PDF Ebook Online Crossing Over, by Daryl Joyce

The third son of a farmer, born in the small town of Kooweerup in rural Victoria during the Second World War, author Daryl Joyce was a sensitive Australian boy who realized there was life beyond his parents' farm. In Crossing Over, he narrates his story as he found his way in the world, navigating all of the challenges that came along.

Joyce tells about his formative years in post-World War Ii Australia with his brothers on the farm. Struggling with his own abiding sexual dilemma in this parochial environment, he finally spreads his wings in the city of Melbourne before embarking on a life-changing journey by ship to “swinging London.” He and his English soul mate from the ship enter into Britain's late '60s youth revival.

In Crossing Over, Joyce shares how he ultimately had to choose between continuing his hedonistic lifestyle or starting a family with the girl he met on the ship crossing over. After nearly two decades, he returned to Sydney, a prodigal son of sorts, where he settled back into the Australian lifestyle, guiding his aging parents in their final days. Joyce tells a story not of merit or reward, but about departure, adventure, and homecoming.

Crossing Over, by Daryl Joyce

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #6095731 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-01
  • Released on: 2015-05-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .72" w x 6.00" l, .93 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 286 pages
Crossing Over, by Daryl Joyce

About the Author

Daryl Joyce, a native Australian, worked as a teacher and real estate agent. He and his wife, Philippa, have one son and two grandchildren. Joyce lives in Potts Point, Sydney, Australia. This is his debut book.

Crossing Over, by Daryl Joyce

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Crossing Over, by Daryl Joyce

Crossing Over, by Daryl Joyce

Crossing Over, by Daryl Joyce
Crossing Over, by Daryl Joyce

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