Kamis, 28 Februari 2013



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The fog-shrouded islands of Cape Cod, Nantucket, and Martha’s Vineyard are filled with distinctly New England apparitions steeped in the staunch sea-faring traditions of their earthly home. As author Barbara Sillery states, “they are there whether you believe or not.” Dip into this ghostly guide for a tour of more than twenty historical sites along with stories of their supernatural inhabitants. In each instance, skepticism abounds and the question remains—is there really a ghost?

Each chapter provides lagniappe—a bit of extra information as a gift—in the form of fascinating facts related to the ghostly residents. Sillery provides historical details that might explain why Seth haunts his former church in Nantucket. She delves into the actual history of the missing mansion of Falmouth and the Beebes family, offering an illuminating narrative of truly eccentric residents. From the Highfield Theater to the Sandwich Glass Museum, from the Crocker Tavern House to the Simmons Homestead Inn in Hyannis Port, from the Edward Gorey House to the Penniman House, the author provides an entertaining tour of the best-known haunts of the area.


  • Amazon Sales Rank: #916521 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-05
  • Released on: 2015-05-05
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From the Back Cover

In praise of Barbara Sillery’s Haunting of Louisiana . . .

“A personal, anecdotal narrative that paints events with evocative descriptions . . . The Haunting of Louisiana is best savored in slices—it serves up a great bedtime read.”

—New Orleans Times-Picayune

“Prepare to be engaged and entertained to a degree to which you are certainly unaccustomed.”

—Phillip J. Jones, former secretary, Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism

The fog-shrouded islands of Cape Cod, Nantucket, and Martha’s Vineyard are filled with distinctly New England apparitions steeped in the staunch seafaring traditions of their earthly home. Dip into this ghostly guide for a tour of more than twenty historical sites along with stories of their supernatural inhabitants. In each instance, skepticism abounds and the question remainsis there really a ghost?

From the Highfield Theater to the Sandwich Glass Museum, from the Crocker Tavern House to the Simmons Homestead Inn in Hyannis Port, from the Edward Gorey House to the Penniman House, the author provides an entertaining tour of the best-known haunts of the area.

“From a discarded armoire to a distorted folktale, if it’s old I’m hooked. Transporting the past into the present, delving into the lives of those who came before, is a pleasure I hope to repeat many times in the future.”

—Barbara Sillery

An award-winning producer and writer, Sillery admits a penchant for the paranormal. Her passion for antiques introduced her to the world of the supernatural, and her interest in the story behind each piece led to her previous books with Pelican, The Haunting of Louisiana and The Haunting of Mississippi.

About the Author Barbara Sillery is an award-winning and prolific producer and writer with a penchant for the paranormal. She earned a bachelor's degree in theater and speech from Marywood University. Among her many credits are a successful internship with the Actor's Equity Theater in New York and a stint working for the theater as its stage manager. Sillery's passion for antiques introduced her to the world of the paranormal. Her fascination with the story behind each piece led her to write The Haunting of Louisiana and The Haunting of Mississippi, both published by Pelican. After many years in the New Orleans area, she moved to East Falmouth, Massachusetts, near her childhood home in New York and is enjoying exploring the fascinating stories of her New England home.


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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. An entertaining and educational book. By MJS Barbara Sillery will draw you in with her humor and vivid descriptions that bring her stories to life. After reading her book I want to visit the Cape.

See all 1 customer reviews... THE HAUNTING OF CAPE COD AND THE ISLANDS, by Barbara Sillery





El Escritor de la Tragedia (Spanish Edition), by Juan Ignacio Soimu

El Escritor de la Tragedia (Spanish Edition), by Juan Ignacio Soimu

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El Escritor de la Tragedia (Spanish Edition), by Juan Ignacio Soimu

El Escritor de la Tragedia (Spanish Edition), by Juan Ignacio Soimu

El Escritor de la Tragedia (Spanish Edition), by Juan Ignacio Soimu

Free Ebook Online El Escritor de la Tragedia (Spanish Edition), by Juan Ignacio Soimu

Andrés Suanish, un galardonado escritor a nivel mundial, está atravesando su peor bloqueo creativo. Pasaron 4 años desde que editó su último éxito. Cuando creía que su carrera se terminaba de la peor manera, recibe un extraño mensaje que cambiará su vida drásticamente: “Vas a recibir cinco muertes, cinco tragedias, cinco historias. Creo que las necesitas. Adiós Andrés, soy tu ángel. ¡Ah! ¡Me olvidaba!, bienvenido a tu regreso”. Cuando menos se lo espera, comienza a recibir “señales” con ideas que pronto vuelca en sus textos. La vida de Andrés Suanish da un giro inesperado, cuando en un viaje a Hungría donde está presentando el libro que lo trajo de regreso, descubre que el crimen que fabuló para su historia termina ocurriendo. Una sucesión de hechos inexplicables ponen en riesgo su propia vida y la de su familia, donde un despiadado asesino, logra que el escritor deseara no haber escuchado nunca ese mensaje.

El Escritor de la Tragedia (Spanish Edition), by Juan Ignacio Soimu

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2264716 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-12-18
  • Released on: 2015-12-18
  • Format: Kindle eBook
El Escritor de la Tragedia (Spanish Edition), by Juan Ignacio Soimu

About the Author Juan Ignacio Soimu nació en la ciudad de Campana (Buenos Aires-Argentina), una calurosa tarde de octubre del año 1981. Desde temprana edad mostró interés en la palabra escrita. A sus 23 años escribe su primer libro al que tituló: "Ellos O nosotros", y desde aquel momento comenzó una carrera ininterrumpida en la producción de textos. En el año 2009 lanzó al mercado una selección de relatos que formaron parte de su segundo trabajo: "De muerte, intriga y suspenso". En el año 2013, presentó en sociedad su primer novela; un thriller psicológico llamado: "El escritor de la tragedia". Al año siguiente, se encontró inmerso en la escritura de 2 novelas más: "Orígenes" y "El anfitrión de la muerte". Ya al final del año 2014, se lanzó a la investigación y a la redacción de las primeras páginas de su sexto trabajo, al que decidió llamar: "In nomini patris". En los comienzos del año 2015 comenzó con la escritura de su séptimo trabajo. Aún sin títular, pero que será un desafío para el autor ya que la nueva novela fusiona 4 historias en simultáneo. A finales de abril de ese mismo año, el autor firmó un contrato de representación con la agencia madrileña Mdm.

El Escritor de la Tragedia (Spanish Edition), by Juan Ignacio Soimu

Where to Download El Escritor de la Tragedia (Spanish Edition), by Juan Ignacio Soimu

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. ¿Te gusta escribir? A Andrés Suanish también, y ... By aeilyn ¿Te gusta escribir? A Andrés Suanish también, y lo hace muy bien; Su fama lo tiene en la cima, pero la evolución es necesaria, y este autor de la novela negra se ve envuelto en el peor de los bloqueos, el que se extiende no solo a sus obras, sino también a su vida familiar. Cuando todo se ve macabramente oscuro, recibe una llamada que anuncia cinco muertes, cinco historias y que serán la base para su nuevo despegue literario. Todo se complica cuando los crímenes se comenten en verdad, amenazando a su familia y a quienes le rodean. Todo crimen tiene un culpable, y a veces es quien menos pensamos.Siempre es atractiva una historia llena de muertes, suspenso y psicosis, ¿Quién podría no valorar algo así? Y es ideal verlo desde ese modo, dado que no es una tremenda historia, pero es interesante en muchos aspectos, está muy bien contada, cada personaje es diferente y tienen su propio mundo, las locaciones son atractivas, y las actividades tienen comunión para los fines del relato y se respetan tiempos, sucesos y relaciones entre los hechos, pero hay cosas que sobran, aspectos muy íntimos y emocionales, que si bien nos ayudan a conocer la faceta psicológica de Suanish, no son relevantes, pues hay detalles extra que nos hacen entender cómo funciona la mente de este hombre siendo perfectamente imaginable y creo que ese es el gran problema: todo es demasiado normal para hablar de un asesino que motiva a un escritor.Lo mejor de este libro son los personajes femeninos, con un poco más de interacción podría decir que la esposa de Andrés se roba la película: es inteligente, paciente, forma los nexos y resuelve, es quien toma las decisiones.Si vamos a hablar de novela negra y suspenso, no nos pongamos grises: esperaba mucho más. Y es una pena, porque el libro es bueno si obviamos el ritmo y la simplicidad de la trama, en todos lo demás aspectos es bueno. ¿Lo recomiendo? Claro que sí, porque entretiene lo suficiente para llegar al final, es ahí donde se pone bueno…

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. ¡MUY RECOMENDABLE! Un escritor que revolucionará el thriller By Sol Taylor Seré sincera, este libro es de los mejores que he leído en el año, me sorprendió gratamente. ¿Por qué me gustó tanto este libro?La prosa de Juan Ignacio es excelente, sabe envolver al lector con sus palabras. Los capítulos son cortos y con finales que te obligan a seguir leyendo. En ningún momento la historia se vuelve pesada, el desarrollo es fluido mezclando los detalles con la trama, convirtiéndose en una lectura muy amena.Los personajes son excelentes, están muy bien descritos, tanto física como psicológicamente. El escritor supo que destacar de cada uno para hacerlos interesantes, para ponerlos en determinadas partes de la historia y que generen un sentimiento especifico en el lector."Siempre tuvo al alcance la solución para terminar con todo... Pero no quería poner fin a su vida sin antes estar cara a cara con aquel asesino que lo acechaba desde muy cerca...."El escritor de la tragedia le brinda al lector una percepción diferente sobre el trabajo de un escritor, todo lo que implica el proceso creativo, el trabajo, esfuerzo y sacrificio que conlleva. La presión cuando las ideas no llegan y las palabras no fluyen.Este thriller psicológico pone a prueba la mente del lector, no es una historia simple, varias lineas argumentales se unen formando una narración atrapante, cargada de suspense y sorpresas que hará pensar y especular al lector hasta el último segundo.¡Muy recomendado! un libro super interesante que te sumerge en la historia de principio a fin.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. un libro super interesante que te sumerge en la historia de principio a fin. By Sol Taylor Seré sincera, este libro es de los mejores que he leído en el año, me sorprendió gratamente. ¿Por qué me gustó tanto este libro?La prosa de Juan Ignacio es excelente, sabe envolver al lector con sus palabras. Los capítulos son cortos y con finales que te obligan a seguir leyendo. En ningún momento la historia se vuelve pesada, el desarrollo es fluido mezclando los detalles con la trama, convirtiéndose en una lectura muy amena.Los personajes son excelentes, están muy bien descritos, tanto física como psicológicamente. El escritor supo que destacar de cada uno para hacerlos interesantes, para ponerlos en determinadas partes de la historia y que generen un sentimiento especifico en el lector. Este thriller psicológico pone a prueba la mente del lector, no es una historia simple, varias lineas argumentales se unen formando una narración atrapante, cargada de suspense y sorpresas que hará pensar y especular al lector hasta el último segundo.

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El Escritor de la Tragedia (Spanish Edition), by Juan Ignacio Soimu

El Escritor de la Tragedia (Spanish Edition), by Juan Ignacio Soimu

El Escritor de la Tragedia (Spanish Edition), by Juan Ignacio Soimu
El Escritor de la Tragedia (Spanish Edition), by Juan Ignacio Soimu

Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Red de Traiciones (Spanish Edition), by Edgar S. Galindo Garza

Red de Traiciones (Spanish Edition), by Edgar S. Galindo Garza

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Red de Traiciones (Spanish Edition), by Edgar S. Galindo Garza

Red de Traiciones (Spanish Edition), by Edgar S. Galindo Garza

Red de Traiciones (Spanish Edition), by Edgar S. Galindo Garza

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Una serie de ataques hacia la familia Salinas Serrano, han hecho actuar a don Santiago por su propia cuenta, para descubrir quién está detrás de todo esto. Ataques directos a sus negocios fuera de ley que con los años ha mantenido en el anonimato de la alta sociedad y de empresas legales de su difunta esposa; pedir ayuda a las autoridades no está en su mente. Lo que él no sabe es que dichos ataques traen por consecuencia una serie de traiciones que tenían años enterrados en las tumbas de un viejo panteón, saliendo a la luz gracias a la intervención de Damian, un hombre que con el paso de los días conocerá el lado oscuro de la sociedad, así como el lado oscuro del mismo amor.

Red de Traiciones (Spanish Edition), by Edgar S. Galindo Garza

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #9284568 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-14
  • Original language: Spanish
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .91" w x 6.00" l, 1.17 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 362 pages
Red de Traiciones (Spanish Edition), by Edgar S. Galindo Garza

Red de Traiciones (Spanish Edition), by Edgar S. Galindo Garza

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. El final fue tan inesperado para mí... ... By waldy El final fue tan inesperado para mí... Que cambio toda la perspectiva de mi pensamiento!Quede toda la noche pensando en el final del libro!Se los recomiendo!

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Red de Traiciones (Spanish Edition), by Edgar S. Galindo Garza

Red de Traiciones (Spanish Edition), by Edgar S. Galindo Garza

Red de Traiciones (Spanish Edition), by Edgar S. Galindo Garza
Red de Traiciones (Spanish Edition), by Edgar S. Galindo Garza

Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

El Estudiante de Salamanca (Spanish Edition), by Jose de Espronceda

El Estudiante de Salamanca (Spanish Edition), by Jose de Espronceda

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El Estudiante de Salamanca (Spanish Edition), by Jose de Espronceda

El Estudiante de Salamanca (Spanish Edition), by Jose de Espronceda

El Estudiante de Salamanca (Spanish Edition), by Jose de Espronceda

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El Estudiante de Salamanca es un poema narrativo de 1.704 versos de José de Espronceda cuya versión completa se publicó en 1840, aunque desde 1837 el autor fue dando a conocer varias partes del mismo. Su argumento es sencillo e incluye el mito de Don Juan Tenorio, la locura de la protagonista, la impresionante ronda espectral, la visión del propio entierro y la mujer transformada en esqueleto, es decir, motivos ya recogidos por otros escritores, y muchas ocasiones adaptados de la tradición popular. El autor introduce varias novedades como son el uso arriesgado de los versos, la mezcla de géneros y un protagonista cínico y rebelde. En su momento el poema trasgredió los cánones estéticos y fue de vanguardia. Consta de cuatro partes. La primera parte es un prólogo en el que asistimos a un duelo de dos personajes desconocidos, y más tarde a la presentación del protagonista don Félix de Montemar. Será, según el autor, "un segundo don Juan Tenorio" por lo que será descrito como un mujeriego, irreligioso, impío, un tahúr, arrogante, prepotente e incrédulo.

El Estudiante de Salamanca (Spanish Edition), by Jose de Espronceda

  • Published on: 2015-05-12
  • Original language: Spanish
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .13" w x 6.00" l, .19 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 56 pages
El Estudiante de Salamanca (Spanish Edition), by Jose de Espronceda

Language Notes Text: Spanish

About the Author "Jose de Espronceda (Almendralejo, Badajoz, 1808-Madrid, 1842). Espana.Hijo de militar, estudio en el colegio San Mateo de Madrid. Muy joven fundo la sociedad secreta Los numantinos, y por ello fue recluido en el convento de San Francisco de Guadalajara. En 1826 huyo a Lisboa y alli se enamoro de Teresa Mancha, hija de un liberal, a la que siguio a Londres y luego rapto en Paris, poco despues de que ella se casase con un comerciante espanol.Intervino en la revolucion francesa de 1830 y en la expedicion fracasada de Joaquin de Pablo contra el regimen absolutista de Fernando VII. De regreso a Espana (1832) fundo el periodico El Siglo y fue diputado republicano. Durante su destierro conocio a los autores romanticos ingleses, franceses y alemanes, en quienes encontro un estilo mas cercano a sus ideas."

El Estudiante de Salamanca (Spanish Edition), by Jose de Espronceda

Where to Download El Estudiante de Salamanca (Spanish Edition), by Jose de Espronceda

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Compre este libro para mi clase de introducion a la ... By Karla Escobar Compre este libro para mi clase de introducion a la literatura hispana y dedicamos una semana entera a leer y analizar este poema epico. El poema es un poco largo, ya que la mayoria de nosotros estamos acostrumbrados a poemas pequenos, lo cual nos ayuda a entender donde toma lugar el poema y conocemos mas a fondo los personajes de la obra. Este poema es un clasico, el final es no solo horrendo pero interesante y la escritura del poeta te inmerse en este pueblo pequeno en el cual viven nuestros personajes. Muy buen libro, lo recominedo a cualquiera que no sepa que libro leer por el momento.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. required reading for all Romantics By Sancho Panza If you can read in Spanish and you love Romanticism, this book-length narrative poem is a "must." It will take you on a nightmare, gothic journey through the dark night of the soul, combining mystical poetry with the exploits of a Don Juan. This is an excellent edition, though you really don't need all the notes and erudition to enjoy it; it's there if you want more info on the versification and technique, etc.

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El Estudiante de Salamanca (Spanish Edition), by Jose de Espronceda

El Estudiante de Salamanca (Spanish Edition), by Jose de Espronceda

El Estudiante de Salamanca (Spanish Edition), by Jose de Espronceda
El Estudiante de Salamanca (Spanish Edition), by Jose de Espronceda

A Special Day: A Mother’s Memoir of Love, Loss, and Acceptance After the Death of Her Daughter,

A Special Day: A Mother’s Memoir of Love, Loss, and Acceptance After the Death of Her Daughter, by Anne-Dauphine Julliand

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A Special Day: A Mother’s Memoir of Love, Loss, and Acceptance After the Death of Her Daughter, by Anne-Dauphine Julliand

A Special Day: A Mother’s Memoir of Love, Loss, and Acceptance After the Death of Her Daughter, by Anne-Dauphine Julliand

A Special Day: A Mother’s Memoir of Love, Loss, and Acceptance After the Death of Her Daughter, by Anne-Dauphine Julliand

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February 29th is a date that comes into existence just once every four years. It is also the birthday of Thaïs—author Anne-Dauphine Julliand’s darling daughter—who died of a genetic disease. Thaïs lived just shy of her fourth birthday. She had a short life but good one.As this special day is about to reappear on her calendar for the first time since her daughter passed away, Anne-Dauphine struggles with how to mark this momentous occasion. She wants to live fully on this special day: Thais would have been eight years old. Vivid memories of life with her daughter begin to blend with the present—every gesture, every word evokes a buried memory, arouses laughter or tears. Yet as the date of her daughter's birthday approaches, she knows she must not lose sight of the family who needs her now: her sons Gaspard and Arthur, and Azylis, her other daughter who is also sick.Anne-Dauphine's message remains simple, true, and strong: we all need to be loved and we all need to be happy despite our ordeals. This is both lesson in happiness and a wonderful love story—A Special Day is an honest, inspirational tale that has touched the hundreds of thousands of lives. It will leave the reader breathless with its beauty.Skyhorse Publishing, along with our Arcade, Good Books, Sports Publishing, and Yucca imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs. Our list includes biographies on well-known historical figures like Benjamin Franklin, Nelson Mandela, and Alexander Graham Bell, as well as villains from history, such as Heinrich Himmler, John Wayne Gacy, and O. J. Simpson. We have also published survivor stories of World War II, memoirs about overcoming adversity, first-hand tales of adventure, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

A Special Day: A Mother’s Memoir of Love, Loss, and Acceptance After the Death of Her Daughter, by Anne-Dauphine Julliand

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #3251163 in Books
  • Brand: Julliand, Anne-Dauphine/ Hunter, Adriana (TRN)
  • Published on: 2015-05-26
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.30" h x .80" w x 5.70" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 160 pages
  • A Special Day: A MotherÂ's Memoir of Love, Loss, and Accepta
A Special Day: A Mother’s Memoir of Love, Loss, and Acceptance After the Death of Her Daughter, by Anne-Dauphine Julliand

Review Reviews for the international bestseller Two Small Footprints in Wet Sand"Though the author’s account charts suffering of mythic proportions, the lessons gleaned from her daughters prove incredibly wise. Unflinching and inspirational, a parent’s powerful tale of finding love and understanding beyond the senses."— Kirkus Reviews“Exceptional insights into life.”— ELLE“A story carried by the incredibly tranquillity of spirit of a mother put to the test.”— Le Point“An extraordinary autobiographical account.”— Le Figaro“A wonderful lesson from a little girl.”— La Croix

About the Author Anne-Dauphine Julliand was born in 1973 in Paris. After studying journalism, she went on to work as a journalist. In 2006, she learned that her second child, Thaïs, was suffering from a rare disease and didn't have much time left to live. She wrote about her experiences after the overwhelming two years in which she and her husband, supported by all those around her, took care of Thaïs. At first, she wrote it for herself, her husband, and her children. Two Small Footprints in Wet Sand became a publishing phenomenon that swept France off its feet and is now a bestseller there. A Special Day is about her search to find ways to cope with the loss of her daughter.Adriana Hunter is the translator of works by Catherine Millet, Genevieve Jurgensen, Amelie Nothomb, Viviane Moore, and Louis Sanders.

A Special Day: A Mother’s Memoir of Love, Loss, and Acceptance After the Death of Her Daughter, by Anne-Dauphine Julliand

Where to Download A Special Day: A Mother’s Memoir of Love, Loss, and Acceptance After the Death of Her Daughter, by Anne-Dauphine Julliand

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Incredible By Jean Greene Very eloquent portrayal of how to grapple with unfathomable loss to discover the love that is present even in the depths of darkness.

See all 1 customer reviews... A Special Day: A Mother’s Memoir of Love, Loss, and Acceptance After the Death of Her Daughter, by Anne-Dauphine Julliand

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A Special Day: A Mother’s Memoir of Love, Loss, and Acceptance After the Death of Her Daughter, by Anne-Dauphine Julliand

A Special Day: A Mother’s Memoir of Love, Loss, and Acceptance After the Death of Her Daughter, by Anne-Dauphine Julliand

A Special Day: A Mother’s Memoir of Love, Loss, and Acceptance After the Death of Her Daughter, by Anne-Dauphine Julliand
A Special Day: A Mother’s Memoir of Love, Loss, and Acceptance After the Death of Her Daughter, by Anne-Dauphine Julliand

Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Bye bye, Love! (Las hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Lorraine CocĂł

Bye bye, Love! (Las hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Lorraine Cocó

Bye Bye, Love! (Las Hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), By Lorraine Cocó. Just what are you doing when having downtime? Talking or searching? Why don't you attempt to read some publication? Why should be checking out? Checking out is among enjoyable and also delightful activity to do in your spare time. By reviewing from many sources, you could find new info and experience. Guides Bye Bye, Love! (Las Hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), By Lorraine Cocó to check out will certainly many beginning with scientific e-books to the fiction books. It implies that you can check out the publications based on the requirement that you really want to take. Naturally, it will be various as well as you could read all e-book kinds whenever. As right here, we will reveal you a book must be read. This publication Bye Bye, Love! (Las Hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), By Lorraine Cocó is the option.

Bye bye, Love! (Las hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Lorraine CocĂł

Bye bye, Love! (Las hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Lorraine Cocó

Bye bye, Love! (Las hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Lorraine CocĂł

Best Ebook Bye bye, Love! (Las hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Lorraine Cocó

¿Imaginas que fueras una bruja muy poderosa? ¿Y que tuvieses la oportunidad de utilizar tus poderes para ayudar a las mujeres que lo necesitan, a vengarse de los hombres que les han roto el corazón? Pues Belladona de´Marsi no tiene que imaginarlo, por una sencilla razón, esa es su vida. Pero lo que ella consideraba un trabajo de justicia kármica se torna algo muy diferente cuando se cruza en su camino el apuesto e irresistible Declan Wise. Un hombre unido a su destino que le enseñará que la magia más poderosa es la que alberga en el corazón de una persona enamorada. Magia ancestral Locura imparable Pasión devastadora Corazones hechizados Una historia que te robará más de un suspiro haciéndote volver a creer en la magia.

Bye bye, Love! (Las hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Lorraine Cocó

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #4216206 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-04
  • Original language: Spanish
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .44" w x 5.00" l, .43 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 174 pages
Bye bye, Love! (Las hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Lorraine Cocó

Bye bye, Love! (Las hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Lorraine CocĂł

Where to Download Bye bye, Love! (Las hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Lorraine Cocó

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Fantástica y mágica historia de amor By Claudia Cardozo No encuentro palabras para explicar cuánto he disfrutado de esta lectura. Lo he comentado con anterioridad, pero no me canso de decirlo: Lorraine tiene la habilidad de envolvernos con sus historias de la misma forma en que hacen los grandes autores, con una excelente narración, una historia cargada de pasión y romanticismo y personajes que dejan huella. Me he sentido fascinada en esta nueva historia desde el primer instante, con un arranque espectacular y un ritmo que solo crece y crece según se avanza en la narración. Bye Bye Love está cargada de magia, tal y como promete la sinopsis, y aunque me ha sabido a poco, pues la he devorado, me quedo con una sensación muy bonita, romántica y en espera de todo lo que la autora nos entregue de este mágico universo.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Qué hermosa historia!! By Mapi Ligera, fresca, entretenida, llena de magia.Una de esas historias fantásticas que hacen que uno desee que pasen en la vida real. Cuán genial sería tener los poderes de Bella!!Y Declan... es lo que llamo un hombre bueno, sin traumas ni taras de ninguna clase, sencillo, valiente, con los pies en la tierra, un trabajo, un hombre del que todas podríamos enamorarnos...Hasta la próxima brujita De`MarsiBesos

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Mere idea sus cinco By silvia Me gusto mucho la manera de narrative o major dicho de escribir este libro , may facil de leer y hasta de querer y hasta de querer ser un bruja , no muy cierto muy Bonita y esperamos que lleguen los otros para saber le pasa demas personajes

See all 24 customer reviews... Bye bye, Love! (Las hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Lorraine Cocó

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Bye bye, Love! (Las hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Lorraine Cocó

Bye bye, Love! (Las hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Lorraine Cocó

Bye bye, Love! (Las hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Lorraine Cocó
Bye bye, Love! (Las hermanas De'Marsi) (Volume 1) (Spanish Edition), by Lorraine Cocó

Senin, 18 Februari 2013

Clemencia (Spanish Edition), by Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

Clemencia (Spanish Edition), by Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

Clemencia (Spanish Edition), By Ignacio Manuel Altamirano. Change your behavior to hang or squander the time to only chat with your close friends. It is done by your everyday, don't you feel tired? Currently, we will reveal you the brand-new habit that, actually it's a very old routine to do that could make your life more qualified. When really feeling bored of consistently chatting with your pals all downtime, you can discover the book qualify Clemencia (Spanish Edition), By Ignacio Manuel Altamirano and afterwards read it.

Clemencia (Spanish Edition), by Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

Clemencia (Spanish Edition), by Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

Clemencia (Spanish Edition), by Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

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Clemencia By Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

Clemencia (Spanish Edition), by Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

  • Published on: 2015-05-11
  • Original language: Spanish
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .49" w x 5.50" l, .57 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 196 pages
Clemencia (Spanish Edition), by Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

About the Author Ignacio Manuel Altamirano (1834-1893) was one of 19th-century Mexico's most important nationalist thinkers and prolific writers. For intellectual and literary historians inside and outside Mexico, Altamirano's preeminence in 19th-century political and cultural debates have made his prolific writings necessary reading for understanding Mexican liberalism.

Clemencia (Spanish Edition), by Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

Where to Download Clemencia (Spanish Edition), by Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. A very moving love story By Guadalupe Garcia This was the first love book that I ever read, almost 16 years ago, and still make the tears come to my eyes. Throug the story one can see that very often the poeple who really deserves to be loved are not the most handsome, and if you are just looking with your very eyes instead of with your heart, you may miss a wonderful opportunity or a lifetime love. The drama between Clemencia and her two solicitors is very thrilling; one is handsome and ruthless, the other is ugly and tender, noble, brave; oh well!!, you may guess the very end...but the book is worth every pence you spend on it. I highly recommended it, but take the kleenex with you!.

See all 1 customer reviews... Clemencia (Spanish Edition), by Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

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Clemencia (Spanish Edition), by Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

Clemencia (Spanish Edition), by Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

Clemencia (Spanish Edition), by Ignacio Manuel Altamirano
Clemencia (Spanish Edition), by Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013

Kidnapped In Istanbul!? And Other Stories From Turkey: K. I. Peeler's World Travel Book 3,

Kidnapped In Istanbul!? And Other Stories From Turkey: K. I. Peeler's World Travel Book 3, by K.I. Peeler

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Kidnapped In Istanbul!? And Other Stories From Turkey: K. I. Peeler's World Travel Book 3, by K.I. Peeler

Kidnapped In Istanbul!? And Other Stories From Turkey: K. I. Peeler's World Travel Book 3, by K.I. Peeler

Kidnapped In Istanbul!? And Other Stories From Turkey: K. I. Peeler's World Travel Book 3, by K.I. Peeler

Free Ebook Kidnapped In Istanbul!? And Other Stories From Turkey: K. I. Peeler's World Travel Book 3, by K.I. Peeler

Kidnapped in Istanbul!? And Other Stories From Turkey is the third volume of K.I. Peeler's world travel books. It is about her third trip to Turkey that occurred in May 2013. She and her partner visited their Turkish friends in Istanbul, Bursa, Eskisehir, and Ankara and thoroughly enjoyed sightseeing, food, and spending time with their friends and families. This ethnographic travelogue introduces many aspects of Turkish culture and everyday life that are both famous and not so well-known.

Kidnapped In Istanbul!? And Other Stories From Turkey: K. I. Peeler's World Travel Book 3, by K.I. Peeler

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1379490 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-14
  • Released on: 2015-05-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Kidnapped In Istanbul!? And Other Stories From Turkey: K. I. Peeler's World Travel Book 3, by K.I. Peeler

Kidnapped In Istanbul!? And Other Stories From Turkey: K. I. Peeler's World Travel Book 3, by K.I. Peeler

Where to Download Kidnapped In Istanbul!? And Other Stories From Turkey: K. I. Peeler's World Travel Book 3, by K.I. Peeler

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. It is a page-turner!!! By Naomi Maine This is an intriguing book about the author’s travel to Turkey. It contains a great deal of information about people and culture with mouthwatering pictures of Turkish dishes. Special spices are Turkish compassion, hospitality, and generosity. The most interesting part of the book is her observations of socio-cultural events. Her accounts and understandings of the ways of Turkish life are humorous yet insightful. The book is highly recommended to people who are interested in a travel book with candid opinions.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Ä°t's worthed to read By elifnabi I have read the book of Kinko Ito in a blank, since I am not one of the friends hosting her in Turkey but as a reader cherishing her memories

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Amazon Customer I really enjoyed reading this informative book!

See all 3 customer reviews... Kidnapped In Istanbul!? And Other Stories From Turkey: K. I. Peeler's World Travel Book 3, by K.I. Peeler

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Kidnapped In Istanbul!? And Other Stories From Turkey: K. I. Peeler's World Travel Book 3, by K.I. Peeler

Kidnapped In Istanbul!? And Other Stories From Turkey: K. I. Peeler's World Travel Book 3, by K.I. Peeler

Kidnapped In Istanbul!? And Other Stories From Turkey: K. I. Peeler's World Travel Book 3, by K.I. Peeler
Kidnapped In Istanbul!? And Other Stories From Turkey: K. I. Peeler's World Travel Book 3, by K.I. Peeler

Jumat, 15 Februari 2013

La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), by Nina Delgado

La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), by Nina Delgado

When some people checking out you while reviewing La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), By Nina Delgado, you may really feel so honored. Yet, instead of other people feels you should instil in yourself that you are reading La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), By Nina Delgado not because of that reasons. Reading this La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), By Nina Delgado will offer you more than people admire. It will certainly overview of recognize more than the people staring at you. Even now, there are many sources to understanding, checking out a publication La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), By Nina Delgado still becomes the front runner as an excellent way.

La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), by Nina Delgado

La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), by Nina Delgado

La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), by Nina Delgado

Best PDF Ebook La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), by Nina Delgado

La rosa blanca nos enseña el mundo a través de sus ojos. Una historia donde la esperanza y el amor son muestra de que los milagros existen, de que nunca estaremos solos y donde la fe cumple sueños. “Soñaba con que un día uno de esos tantos amables humanos que visitaban el lugar la miraran y se decidieran a llevarla con ellos. Pero los días pasaban igual que las noches y nadie la veía, comenzó a pensar entonces que quizá había algo malo con ella: sus hojas, sus pétalos o quizá era su tallo. En toda su existencia dentro de ese lugar jamás vio a alguien tratar de esa forma a las flores. Todos iban con prisas, riéndose, jugando; algunos a su paso pisaban a las plantas sin darse cuenta pero él no, él era diferente”.

La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), by Nina Delgado

  • Published on: 2015-05-09
  • Original language: Spanish
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .7" w x 6.00" l, .12 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 26 pages
La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), by Nina Delgado

Review Un cuentito de fantasía...

La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), by Nina Delgado

Where to Download La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), by Nina Delgado

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Me gusto mucho el cuento,, By lorena lizarraga Altamente recomedables para aquellos lectore que les gusta divertirse y claro quieren pasar un buen rato en familia, leyendoles este cuentos este es el indicado.Los cuentos de Mitica Books son entretenidos, y fantasticos, cada pagina, es un reto a la imaginacion.A la autora Gracias por sumergirnos a historias magicas y bellas..

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La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), by Nina Delgado

La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), by Nina Delgado

La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), by Nina Delgado
La Rosa Blanca (Spanish Edition), by Nina Delgado

Bass Reeves - Lawman, by Georgianne Landy-Kordis

Bass Reeves - Lawman, by Georgianne Landy-Kordis

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Bass Reeves - Lawman, by Georgianne Landy-Kordis

Bass Reeves - Lawman, by Georgianne Landy-Kordis

Bass Reeves - Lawman, by Georgianne Landy-Kordis

Ebook PDF Online Bass Reeves - Lawman, by Georgianne Landy-Kordis

Raised a slave, Bass Reeves becomes one of the first black U.S. Deputy Marshal's appointed by Judge Isaac Parker to uphold the law in the untamed, lawless Indian Territory in the 1800's.

Bass Reeves - Lawman, by Georgianne Landy-Kordis

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2297427 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .27" w x 5.50" l, .32 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 116 pages
Bass Reeves - Lawman, by Georgianne Landy-Kordis

About the Author Georgianne Landy-Kordis studied screenwriting and directing at the University of Oklahoma. She has written, directed and produced promotional scripts as well as worked as a videographer through her own company, FIA/Films by Independent Artists, Inc. She has recently written and published her own memoir. She is inspired to write human interest stories and offer emotional insight.

Bass Reeves - Lawman, by Georgianne Landy-Kordis

Where to Download Bass Reeves - Lawman, by Georgianne Landy-Kordis

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Bass Reeves By avidreader interesting book but I did nto read the description as well as I sould have before buying. It is in screenplay mode so a little different to read.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A MUST READ!!! By ch/cc A fantastic book!! I truly hope this book gets made into a screenplay (perhaps an independent film?). I found the book to be mesmerizing and wanted it to go on and on. Bass Reeves should go down in history in what he overcame in life and how he handled it! What GREAT writing this author has portrayed!!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Captivating read By Amazon Customer Bass Reeves takes you to another time and place with plenty of action. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and my only negative comment is that it was not a longer read. I recommend it to everyone, especially if you like to get lost in your reading and forget the world for awhile.

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Bass Reeves - Lawman, by Georgianne Landy-Kordis

Bass Reeves - Lawman, by Georgianne Landy-Kordis

Bass Reeves - Lawman, by Georgianne Landy-Kordis
Bass Reeves - Lawman, by Georgianne Landy-Kordis

Senin, 11 Februari 2013

La sorprendente genealogĂ­a de mis tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), by RamĂłn Rionda

La sorprendente genealogía de mis tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), by Ramón Rionda

How a concept can be got? By looking at the superstars? By going to the sea and also looking at the sea interweaves? Or by checking out a publication La Sorprendente Genealogía De Mis Tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), By Ramón Rionda Everybody will certainly have certain characteristic to gain the inspiration. For you that are dying of books and consistently get the motivations from books, it is actually excellent to be below. We will certainly show you hundreds compilations of the book La Sorprendente Genealogía De Mis Tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), By Ramón Rionda to check out. If you similar to this La Sorprendente Genealogía De Mis Tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), By Ramón Rionda, you can also take it as all yours.

La sorprendente genealogĂ­a de mis tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), by RamĂłn Rionda

La sorprendente genealogía de mis tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), by Ramón Rionda

La sorprendente genealogĂ­a de mis tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), by RamĂłn Rionda

Best Ebook PDF La sorprendente genealogía de mis tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), by Ramón Rionda

Esta es una obra de investigación genealógica y biográfica, en la cual se reseñan ramas muy interesantes con grandes personajes históricos, todos ellos ancestros directos de las familias: Aguirre Benavides, Alburquerque, Alfonso, Almaraz, Alvarez de Azagra, Alvarez de Toledo, Amador Rionda, Ansorena Monterde, Avellaneda, Bessing Rionda, Bethencourt, Chacón, de González Argüelles, de la Cueva, de la Cerda, de las Casas, de Mercado, Díaz de Mendoza, Enciso, Enríquez, Eriz, Fajardo, de Guevara, Fernández de Córdoba, Fernández de Lara, Fernández de Santillán, Gómez Gallardo, Guzmán, Hurtado, Leyva, Lugo, Luna, Luria, Maldonado, Mendoza, Tous, Monroy, Muñóz Enciso, Muñóz Fonnegra, Muñóz y Vera, Muñóz, Nájera, Ordieres Herrera, Ortíz de Zúñiga, Peraza, Pérez de Lara, Pérez de Traba, Ponce de León, Pombeiro, Quezada, Reyes Retana, Rionda Jacobs, Rionda Ruíz de Teresa, Rodríguez de Monterroso, Romaes, Ruíz de Baeza, de Haro, Sánchez de Teruel, Sarmiento, Tovar, Tellez Girón, Venegas, Varona, Vera, Xérica, Yañez, Zepeda y de muchas otras familias. El árbol genealógico que se presenta en este libro, comprende ramas en diversas etapas de la historia. Una de ellas llega hasta épocas bíblicas con Abraham y los reyes de Judá e Israel. Otras ramas nos llevan a los Merovingios, al imperio romano de occidente y a los vikingos fundadores de Inglaterra. Otras ramas nos sumergen en la edad media y posteriormente en la edad moderna; con importantes ancestros en España, Portugal, Francia, Italia, Alemania, Polonia, Rusia y Hungría: Carlomagno; Don Pelayo; El Cid Campeador; los reyes de Portugal; los reyes de Navarra, León y Castilla; los reyes de Italia, Polonia y Hungría; los reyes de Francia e Inglaterra y emperadores Bizantinos. Cada rama incluye una breve semblanza biográfica de cada uno de los personajes en turno.

La sorprendente genealogía de mis tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), by Ramón Rionda

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #5851516 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-01
  • Released on: 2015-05-01
  • Original language: Spanish
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .70" w x 6.00" l, .85 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 278 pages
La sorprendente genealogía de mis tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), by Ramón Rionda

About the Author El autor de esta obra es Ramón Rionda, investigador mexicano-español, autor también de la singular obra “No Todos los Monólogos son Locos”, poesía mono vocálica y cuentos cortos, publicada por Palibrio en 2010.

La sorprendente genealogĂ­a de mis tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), by RamĂłn Rionda

Where to Download La sorprendente genealogía de mis tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), by Ramón Rionda

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Four Stars By omar enrique saiz I receive my book in excelent conditions but so late

See all 1 customer reviews... La sorprendente genealogía de mis tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), by Ramón Rionda

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La sorprendente genealogía de mis tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), by Ramón Rionda

La sorprendente genealogía de mis tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), by Ramón Rionda

La sorprendente genealogía de mis tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), by Ramón Rionda
La sorprendente genealogía de mis tatarabuelos (Spanish Edition), by Ramón Rionda

Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition,

Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition, by Jennifer Buchanan

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Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition, by Jennifer Buchanan

Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition, by Jennifer Buchanan

Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition, by Jennifer Buchanan

Free Ebook Online Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition, by Jennifer Buchanan

"I've seen the beauty that can arise in the hearts of those that cannot be reached by other types of therapy and yet they respond to the magic of music. Jennifer introduced me to the miracles that music therapy can perform. She has through her work touched many people in ways that could only be accomplished with both her special gift and her music - one of the most heart warming experiences of my life." - Don Felder, lead guitarist of the Eagles "Jennifer is a great story teller who effectively captures moments, making them fresh to the imagination." - The Rebecca Review "In her book, Tune In, Jennifer Buchanan shares stories that pull at your heart strings and leave you longing for more. This book challenges you to look personally at how you can use music to live your best life. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for inspiration and motivation." -Melanie McDonald, Music Therapist Accredited Tune In is an exploration of what can happen when we use music intentionally to better our health. Tune In is a mix of personal stories, real-life examples, interactive exercises, tips and checklists all designed for the person who is looking for inspiration and a boost to feeling better. When we experience the right music, in the right way, transformation can happen - improved wellness, a boost in motivation, overall feelings of happiness, and stronger communities.

Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition, by Jennifer Buchanan

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1472157 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-09-09
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.02" h x .39" w x 5.98" l, .56 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 184 pages
Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition, by Jennifer Buchanan

Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition, by Jennifer Buchanan

Where to Download Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition, by Jennifer Buchanan

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Jennifer is a great story-teller and guide in understanding how to use music intentionally. By Michelle Montgomery Muth, MT-BC - founder, M3 Music Therapy, LLC As a board-certified music therapist I was delighted to read "Tune In." Jennifer is a great story-teller and is able to effectively communicate how music can and does make a difference in our lives if we use it intentionally. This is not a book specifically about music therapy, but goes a long way in helping people to better understand music therapy and how music can have a profound and transformative effective on our lives. Jennifer quotes her own experiences as a music therapist and her personal experiences with music, all supported with scientific facts and references on how our brains react/respond to music. Each section has exercises to help readers understand how to use music intentionally. This is a great book that is written for anyone seeking to reduce stress and be better engaged with life. I highly recommend it.

See all 1 customer reviews... Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition, by Jennifer Buchanan

Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition, by Jennifer Buchanan PDF
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Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition, by Jennifer Buchanan ePub
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Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition, by Jennifer Buchanan Kindle

Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition, by Jennifer Buchanan

Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition, by Jennifer Buchanan

Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition, by Jennifer Buchanan
Tune In: Use Music Intentionally to Curb Stress, Boost Morale, and Restore Health. A Music Therapy Approach to Life. Second Edition, by Jennifer Buchanan

The Fat Rules, by Misti D Mosteller

The Fat Rules, by Misti D Mosteller

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The Fat Rules, by Misti D Mosteller

The Fat Rules, by Misti D Mosteller

The Fat Rules, by Misti D Mosteller

Download Ebook The Fat Rules, by Misti D Mosteller

NEW, Fully REVISED and EDITED: The Fat Rules. There's even a new cover! This memoir is a MAY 1, 2015 Story Merchant Book Release. Reviews PRIOR to 01MAY2015 are on the OLD Version. We hope you enjoy the book! “Smart, witty, funny, painful, honest, brutal, forgiving. Truly amazing and left me wanting more!” “This was laugh-out-loud funny and relatable. I felt like I was reading my best friend's diary.” —Amazon Five Star Reviews Maddy Quinn survived being a fat kid and a fat adolescent, but being fat in her twenties is too much. Maddy is a smart, funny, chunky monkey living in a world of skinnies with only an XXL sweater set to keep her safe. Living at home, Maddy attends a nearby university where she majors in Political Science and Not Being Noticed. Her mother would return her to the womb for safekeeping if only there was room for a 266 1/2 lb. adult, and her grandmother has never met an emotion that couldn't be suffocated with mashed potatoes or chicken fried steak. Despite the over-love of a nutty family and the support of good, but skinny friends, waddling around campus is getting harder. In an effort to keep daily humiliations to a minimum, Maddy lives by rules she's developed to hide in plain sight. Fat Rule #2 Never run in front of other humans, even if being chased by a mass-murdering maniac. Better to die with honor than let that jelly jiggle! But when her birthday turns into Celebration Humiliation, Maddy's best friend, Sam, gives her a dose of tough love that would put an elephant down, setting Maddy on a life-changing course that includes Richard Simmons and a date with a college guy, or two. Part memoir, part wishful thinking, The Fat Rules is a laugh-out-loud ride on the crazy train with genuine, heart-breaking insight into the emotional pain of being overweight. If you've ever struggled with weight issues, finding your place in the world, or incapacitating insecurity, Maddy Quinn is right there with you.

The Fat Rules, by Misti D Mosteller

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1995208 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 1.00" w x 6.00" l, 1.29 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 400 pages
The Fat Rules, by Misti D Mosteller

The Fat Rules, by Misti D Mosteller

Where to Download The Fat Rules, by Misti D Mosteller

Most helpful customer reviews

12 of 12 people found the following review helpful. A Highly Entertaining Read! By Texas Batsons I've never had a weight problem, but I could still relate to the main character, Maddy. Why? Because I also have my own insecurities (let's be real - we all do!) and we all live in a world where we try to not have our insecurities define us, but instead try to overcome them. To me, it's a story about a character who finds ways to live with this insecurity (i.e. the Fat Rules), faces her insecurity, and then finally overcomes it. And, just when she thinks her life is perfect, she figures out that her new life has a new set of rules, and she has new obstacles to face. The characters are well defined, the plot is great - even with twists and turns along the way- and the witty dialog makes it even more entertaining to read! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, and now that I've finished, I miss my new buddy, Maddy, and her crazy set of friends and family. I would enjoy reading more ... so keep writing Mosteller!

15 of 16 people found the following review helpful. copy editor needed By cbl This is a good, light read. However, if plurals where possessives should be and misspelled words (where for wear, balling for bawling) drive you batty, then run far, far away from this book.

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful. We Have a Winner... By Raja M Anyone that has had weight issues will identify with this book. Some parts will make you laugh, others will make you cringe and some will make you want to cry. It was entertaining from start to finish with real characters and witty dialogue. If you haven't had weight issues, still read the book. It will give you a glimpse into what "fat" people think, feel and deal with on a daily basis. After reading so many books recently that were duds, I was glad to finally get my hands on something real.Other reviewers complained about spelling/grammar errors in the story, but I enjoyed it so much that I didn't even notice them.I don't like to give spoilers, so I'll simply say it's definitely worth a read.

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The Fat Rules, by Misti D Mosteller

The Fat Rules, by Misti D Mosteller

The Fat Rules, by Misti D Mosteller
The Fat Rules, by Misti D Mosteller

Kamis, 07 Februari 2013

The Dance Must Follow: Sixteen Cantos and an Epilogue, by Phil Holland

The Dance Must Follow: Sixteen Cantos and an Epilogue, by Phil Holland

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The Dance Must Follow: Sixteen Cantos and an Epilogue, by Phil Holland

The Dance Must Follow: Sixteen Cantos and an Epilogue, by Phil Holland

The Dance Must Follow: Sixteen Cantos and an Epilogue, by Phil Holland

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The Dance Must Follow is a verse portrait of the artist as dancer, gardener, photographer, and dreamer. The artist in question is Moses Pendleton, internationally acclaimed founder of the groundbreaking dance troupes Pilobolus and Momix, and a two-time Olympic choreographer. The poems—the first of which was begun by Pendleton himself then completed by Holland—recount episodes from a thirty-year span of Pendleton’s unconventional and creative life in humorous and lyrical rhyming verse. Anyone with an interest in dance, gardening, or creativity—along with all those with a taste for clever narrative poetry—will enjoy this book. Seventy-five full-color photographs, mostly by Pendleton, present a stunning complement to the poems. The result is a fascinating and entertaining behind-the-scenes look at the modus operandi of a highly original American artist.

The Dance Must Follow: Sixteen Cantos and an Epilogue, by Phil Holland

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #5196226 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-05
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.30" h x .70" w x 8.30" l, 1.50 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 100 pages
The Dance Must Follow: Sixteen Cantos and an Epilogue, by Phil Holland

About the Author Teacher and translator PHIL HOLLAND lives in Shaftsbury, Vermont. MOSES PENDLETON, one of America’s preeminent choreographers, directs Momix, an internationally celebrated troupe of “dancer-illusionists.” A native Vermonter, Pendleton is the recipient of many awards in the fields of dance and film. The two met as undergraduates at Dartmouth College.

The Dance Must Follow: Sixteen Cantos and an Epilogue, by Phil Holland

Where to Download The Dance Must Follow: Sixteen Cantos and an Epilogue, by Phil Holland

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. beautiful, memorable By usaiulia Wow, what a handsome album!Truly unique, beautiful, memorable.I got it for a gift but I have to keep it for myself, selfishly.

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The Dance Must Follow: Sixteen Cantos and an Epilogue, by Phil Holland

The Dance Must Follow: Sixteen Cantos and an Epilogue, by Phil Holland

The Dance Must Follow: Sixteen Cantos and an Epilogue, by Phil Holland
The Dance Must Follow: Sixteen Cantos and an Epilogue, by Phil Holland

Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

One of Everything, by Donna Carol Voss

One of Everything, by Donna Carol Voss

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One of Everything, by Donna Carol Voss

One of Everything, by Donna Carol Voss

One of Everything, by Donna Carol Voss

Best Ebook PDF One of Everything, by Donna Carol Voss

Is It Possible to OD on Life? The recipe for happily-ever-after? Start with one middle-class white girl in 1976. Add in her longing for love and acceptance, another middle-class white girl, a huge dollop of gossip, and excruciating peer and family pressure. Stir in youthful travel abroad, a Berkeley education, and a foray into paganism, drugs, marriage, and divorce. Whip until frothy with interracial and bisexual affairs, relationship violence, and exploration of multicultural mores. Season with salsa dancing. Temper with a segue into Mormonism. Decorate with a Temple wedding and garnish with motherhood to three adopted siblings. And what you have is a memoir capable of sating anyone's need for a great read. From shame to self-acceptance, from sexual ambiguity to definitive choice, from skepticism to belief, Donna Carol Voss's journey from childhood through marriage and motherhood is both unique and universal, a story that will resonate long after the last page is read.

One of Everything, by Donna Carol Voss

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1899176 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .53" h x 6.15" w x 7.81" l, .65 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 262 pages
One of Everything, by Donna Carol Voss

About the Author Donna Carol Voss's life experience has been eclectic; it includes just about everything but mainlining heroin and going to jail, and she missed jail by only a hair. She is a Berkeley grad, a stay-at-home mom, a former pagan, and a devout Mormon. A study in extremes, she is a fifty-something homemaker who loves rap music, outrageously expensive shoes, and people who own their flaws and call her on hers. She is uncomfortable negotiating the price of anything but relishes intense emotional interactions, especially if they are about politics and religion. Raised in the shadow of luxury, her favorite vacation is camping. She is an eternal optimist who is endlessly fascinated by the dark side of good people. Anxious to be liked by all, she has written a memoir that is sure to provoke everyone about something. Words are Donna's first love, whether used with laser-like precision or nuanced artistry. A highlight of her life, reflected on fondly and often, is the time she crafted the French equivalent of "get lost" phrased in the subjunctive with rich vulgarity when her first boyfriend dumped her. She is now married to a former Navy Commander for whom words are more of a guideline, and this a source of more humor and less frustration as the years go by. Since becoming Mormon at thirty-eight, Voss misses coffee desperately. She does not, however, miss alcohol or profanity, perhaps because she had "an elegant sufficiency," her mother would have said, of the latter. Voss and her husband adopted an eight-year-old boy, his five-year-old sister, and their one-year-old brother, an act which elicits nearly universal praise and which, it must be said in all honesty, she does not deserve since she really didn't know what she was getting herself into. She will accept some credit for still hanging in ten years later, and for making her best effort to like soccer, board games, and Disney movies. Her nineteen-year-old is now an Eagle Scout and a high school graduate; her sixteen-year-old is a lovely young woman, giving and kind; her eleven-year-old is a charismatic entrepreneur-in-the-making. They are all doomed to a life of correct grammar and old-fashioned etiquette. If she could do anything she wanted, it would be weeding while listening to an audiobook or public speaking. If she could eat only one food the rest of her life, it would be peanut butter fudge. If there are rays of sunshine anywhere near her, she has to be in them.

One of Everything, by Donna Carol Voss

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Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. A Prodigal Daughter By Bani Sodermark Whew! What a Memoir!That’s exactly the kind of feeling that I got after reading this book. Donna Voss bares her soul in this extensive account of her life with brutal honesty. Without ego or self glorification she tells her story as an observer of her life, putting emphasis, not so much on the events that take place, as on the reasons and circumstances that led to her making the choices that she did, for those experiences to manifest. “Early experiences etch themselves into our soul throughout our life, they call to other people and conditions.”The story starts with Donna mentioning her background as the daughter in a white, middle class family, living in a suburb in San Diego. The lack of intimacy and discourse within the family and an alcoholic mother grated on Donna as she looked for acceptance and emotional support within the precincts of her immediate circle, which was her school and her parents. She found it at the age of thirteen in a girl called Libby who was attending a typing class with her during the summer holidays. They both enter into a lesbian relationship.Somehow the vibes between the teenaged schoolgirls are discovered and they are both exposed to a lot of derision and contempt from their schoolmates. The upshot is a decade long separation between them, which put its imprint on Donna, as she clammed up, refusing to disclose her own feelings, becoming, as she calls it, a “crocodile” with only her snout above the water.A year in France, as an exchange student does little to change her “crocodile stance”, after which she begins her university education at the University of Berkeley. Here, the prevailing mood is liberty and free love and Donna goes into its throes head-on. The intellectualized values of liberty and sex attracted her and she indulged her sexual appetite freely, with both men and women. However, even here, she doesn’t find the uncompromising acceptance that she craves on a permanent basis in relationships that can only be described as tumultuous, though some women “three human angels” do come close for shorter intervals.“In that moment, heaven touches earth”.In this phase of her life, she explores drugs, gets married and divorced, while also getting a degree in psychology and developing an interest in tarot reading.Thereafter, Donna gets a job as a health-care administrator. Continuing on the same lines as she did in Berkeley, Donna, ever eager-to-please, does far more than she needs to, while also entering into relationships with some of the patients. This leads her into dangerous territory with an ex-convict, from whom she is saved by another relationship with another lesbian called Coral. This relation is to continue until she has a dream which she takes seriously because it was so vivid. At this point, she is also out of a job, so she decides to break up her relationship and return to her parents in San Diego.In this phase of her life, she heals her relation with her parents somewhat. She makes more acquaintances and these lead to a job where she meets a man called Gregg who is a Mormon. The firmness of Gregg’s belief in an unconditionally loving God in Heaven influence Donna very deeply and she begins a study of the Mormon cult. She meets another man within the Mormon community called Cary Voss, who is as different from her as is possible, but the attraction between them is too strong to deny. They decide to get married and adopt three attachment disordered siblings as foster children. Later on they move to Utah where Donna discovers a love for writing.Bringing up the children is a difficult story in itself and the telling of that story is the last phase of this content filled memoir, before Donna moves on to the next.If there is one thread which runs through the book, it is a healing by Cosmic Grace. It is in attempting to manifest “as above, so below” that Donna went full force into her life.“I am a sucker for uncharted territory…”.Her protection was her own truthfulness and integrity and Cosmic Grace manifested in its own sweet way behind the scenes, culminating in the advent of Gregg at an opportune time. This is a book that could make a diehard sceptic reexamine his/her beliefs in the existence of cosmic forces working for our benefit in the unseen.This is not a religious book, nor does it exalt the Mormon church which suffers from its own contradictions. However, the basic sexual discipline that they impose, appears to have benefited Donna, as it got her into contact with Cary and later, bring up three foster children, in another very difficult phase of her life.The sheer intensity of Donna’s story makes me give full marks for readability, as it chronicles the acceptance of the experience of “one of everything” that Life has to offer, the good, the bad and also what there is to come. Personally, I have read this book several times, each time I find something new.This is a difficult book to recommend to all because many people would be shocked and appalled at the kind of licentiousness that Donna allowed into her life. However, those that do read this book would be touched by a blessing as they imbibe the import of the sequence of events. As Donna quotes from the story of Job in the Bible, “The end is greater than the beginning”.Warmly recommended , with some caution.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Riveting memoir with twists and turns By J Mallory Books rarely hold my attention, mainly because I have young children pawing at me all day long and I get easily distracted. It takes me ages to finish a book, but I read this book in one evening. It held my attention, which says a lot. Donna Voss is very real and honest in her memoir. The twists and turns along her spiritual journey to find herself and her purpose are riveting. I could not put this book down until I read the final page. I highly recommend it.

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Very honest By Ionia Froment This is a very courageous memoir that does not hold back from telling the truth about the author's life. She writes with a strong voice and gives her audience the kind of audience that one hopes for when they pick up a memoir.We all have struggles in our lives at some point, some more so than others, and I applaud Donna Carol Voss for using her own experiences to help others that may be experiencing some of the same things.She writes about a lot of different topics, some very personal, some not as much, but each one of them is interesting in a different way. The author had a lot of unique experiences when she was younger and travelled a long road to come to the realisation of her true faith and what she was meant to do with her life.From her early life and questions of her sexual orientation to her feelings about motherhood and the relationship with her own mum, she covers a lot of ground in this book.If you enjoy memoirs and are looking for something good to read, this is a book that I think you will enjoy. Open, honest and helpful.This review is based on a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. All opinions are my own.

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One of Everything, by Donna Carol Voss

One of Everything, by Donna Carol Voss

One of Everything, by Donna Carol Voss
One of Everything, by Donna Carol Voss